On May 22, the volunteers met at 9:45 am in the parking of Brant Lake’s Hub for a morning of trail work at Brant Lake Bike Park. Trail maestro Ed Orr was leading us up Bartonville Mountain via Stairway to Heaven trail. Along for the ride today was Dave P, Dave M, Jill, Chris with dog Levi, Bruce, and young Walter, all packing the needed trail tools supplied by Ed. The idea was to “buff the Hub’s trails” getting them ready for Ride-On 2.0 to be held just two weeks away. Cleaning out waterbars, loose rocks, and making some drainage adjustments were on the ticket.

Luckily the black flies were still sleeping or had decided to stay at the Hub’s parking lot. I had anticipated the worst and lathered up with lots of bug dope. Welsh terrier Archie led the way, taking his usual shortcuts, rather than traverse the switchbacks. Once we reached the new trail – the Golden Carrot – we made short work of a connector trail and continued onward. The idea of naming the trail ‘Golder Carrot’ is that’s the reward for making it up the Stairway to Heaven climb (at least that’s how my 66-year-old heart and legs describe the climb). The new Golder Carrot is rolling, snaking joy ride of flowy berms and I’m looking forward to hitting it on the Ibis. Anyway, it was a great morning in lovely Brant Lake, perfect weather and company, and afterwards Ed and I had cold drafts and passed the time with Drew down at the recently remodel Hub (you’ll love it, since an interior wall was removed ….more space).
-- Dave M
